Saturday 11 June 2016



D'&SONS AND RAHBAR EXIM LTD ( Seeds And Spices )


D’&SONS AND RAHBAR EXIM LTD Mustard seeds, also known as Sarso or " RAI " in Hindi .  Mustard seeds are a very popular ingredient in the American cuisine. These seeds are used for taste generally in hot dogs, where mustard sauce is very much preferred. It also has medicinal applications dating back to the time of Hippocrates. It is available in white, brown and black varieties and is used by people all over the world. Greeks, Romans, Asians and Africans have all explored the taste of mustard seeds and have integrated them into their cuisines. Mustard seeds also find their place in the Bible and their first usage record is found in the Sanskrit scripts that date back to thousands of years.

D’&SONS AND RAHBAR EXIM LTD . Mustard seeds have been highly prized culinary oil-seeds being in use since earlier times. The seeds are fruit pods obtained from mustard plant, in the Brassica family. Some of close members of mustards in this family include cabbagebroccolibrussels-sprouts, etc. Scientific name:Brassica juncea.
Mustards are native to Asia Minor, but these days cultivated as one of the main commercial crop in Canada, India, China, and temperate climates of European region.

D’&SONS AND RAHBAR EXIM LTD . added Indian Sarso in their import and export trade . Seed Use for oil production and also use as a vegitable .

You can buy this seed in many breeds and in your desired amount . If you want to place order of this item or if you want to sell this item us to export in other country , contact us or you can visit our website given below :

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